It’s the strength of allyship that fuels our mission.

These our are DISTINCTIVES:

  • We believe in collaboration.

    This is the critical framework through which we operate and filter our energies. How can we work together to grow the momentum, potential and opportunity for good in the marketplace, nonprofit sector and church?

  • We are optimists.

    We cling to the hope that the best is always yet to come and that through our mutual contributions we can imagine into action better realities for our workplaces, neighbors, and the community at large.

  • Innovation is our baseline expectation.

    We believe that creation is a continual act and we submit ourselves to conditions that optimize innovation for the sake of those that we align our efforts with.

  • We're big fans of the underdog.

    Don’t be surprised when we leverage our privilege to empower others. Our platforms have literally been created for this purpose. We’re specifically interested in amplifying the voices and leadership of Gen Z.

  • At our core, we're about shalom.

    We want to see our community and our world flourish. We believe that the marketplace, our nonprofit sector, and the Church hold interlocking keys to that. It’s our intention to ally with all three to see the kind of flourishing that is at the center of shalom.

Our Strategy, of course, is not haphazard.

In order to achieve the type of wide-scale impact that we’re hoping for, we’re becoming a full-service venture studio with industry flexibility. This means that our network, experience, and agility can be fully leveraged on behalf of our community, with no holds barred.

We’re starting start-ups and we’re flexing our innovation and change leadership muscles on behalf of all who need them.

  • Consulting

    This is our expertise customized and applied to your organizational context. We use a boutique - approach, which means that we are you-centered and can contextualize to what your organization needs most.

  • Toolbox

    These are the on-demand services that our experts provide for your efficiency and speed. Unlike consulting, these tools are not customizable, which means that they are always the same price and they are always high-quality.

  • Events

    We host online and in-person events in Western New York for leadership development, innovation, and collaboration. We tailor these events to our expertise and to needs that have been expressed within our community.

  • Subscription

    Monthly and annual access to member-only content to help your organization stay ahead of the curve. Think: white papers, event access, and training opportunities. This is our hive for sharing information, developing leaders, and building community.

  • Studio

    This is where all of our tools, expertise, and partnerships are leveraged to start new startups. Our model is skin in the game for sweat equity, our process is rapid development and growth, and our network is synergetic entrepreneurship at it’s finest.

  • Philanthropy

    We’ve created a special fund for nonprofit innovation. Not only do we give 15% of our income to this fund, but we also host a signature fundraiser on its behalf and actively recruit resources toward its growth and development. We hope that our generosity is contagious.

Our efforts pay collaborative dividends on all ends.

So, let’s collaborate toward something beautiful.